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Distributed for University of Wales Press

Theologia Cambrensis

Protestant Religion and Theology in Wales, Volume 2: The Long Nineteenth Century, 1760-1900

Distributed for University of Wales Press

Theologia Cambrensis

Protestant Religion and Theology in Wales, Volume 2: The Long Nineteenth Century, 1760-1900

A comprehensive scholarly synthesis of the history of Welsh theology between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries.

In addition to outlining the general shape of Welsh religious history, this volume also describes the development of Calvinistic Methodist thought up to and beyond the secession from the Established Church in 1811. Along with analyzing aspects of theology and doctrine, the narrative provides an even-handed and meticulous assessment of the impact of the Evangelical Revival on both the Anglican Church and Protestant Nonconformity up to and beyond the Victorian era. The volume concludes by assessing the intellectual culture of the period, describing the challenges of Darwinism, philosophical Idealism, and an increasingly critical attitude towards biblical texts.

416 pages | 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 | © 2021

Religion: Religion and Literature

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Table of Contents

Chapter One: 1760-90
Chapter Two: 1790-1820 (i)
Chapter Three: 1790-1820 (ii)
Chapter Four: 1820-59 (i)
Chapter Five: 1820-59 (ii)
Chapter Six: 1860-90
Chapter Seven: 1890-1900

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