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Distributed for University of British Columbia Press

Hollywood North

The Feature Film Industry in British Columbia

This timely book recounts the story of British Columbia’s rapid rise from relative obscurity in the film world to its current status as “Hollywood North.” Mike Gasher positions the industry as a model for commercial film production in the twenty-first century – one strongly shaped by a perception of cinema as a medium, not of culture, but of regional industrial development. Addressing the specific economic and geographic factors that contribute to the province’s success, such as the low Canadian dollar and BC’s proximity to Los Angeles, Gasher also considers the broader implications of the increasingly widespread trend towards location service production on national cinema and cultural production.

184 pages | © 2002

Media Studies

Table of Contents

1 Cinema in the Age of Globalization

2 Cinema As a Medium of Regional Industrial Development: A History of BC Film Production

3 The Terms of Inclusion: British Columbia within the Political Economy of North American Film Production

4 Promote It and They Will Come: Provincial Film Policy in British Columbia

5 Locating British Columbia As Cinematic Place: Contending Regimes of Film Production

6 Locating the BC Film Industry

Appendix: Partial List of BC Feature Film Credits, 1976-2000




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